Film Analysis: Pulp Fiction

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The classical Hollywood narrative is one of simplicity, linear continuity, and comprehensive storytelling, something typical American audiences were used to for most of films history. Quentin Tarantino, however, is not one to abide by the rules of cinema. The arguably auteur director reconfigures this narrative style with his 1994 classic Pulp Fiction. This film not only presented itself as a completely new and innovative take on what a film could be, but also created a foundation for which many films since have built their narratives from. With its nonlinear narrative, Pulp Fiction actually contains three distinct storylines told throughout a series of episodes which jump back and forth between time and storyline. The three storylines…show more content…
Quentin Tarantino respects his work and treats it as an art, and he expects the same from the audience. Each scene, each shot is carefully crafted to add to the story of the film. What Pulp Fiction does so well is give a sense of realism to the audience. Where classical Hollywood narratives aim to exaggerate and dramatize scenes, Pulp Fiction aims to create other profound feelings in the audience through its unnerving realistic aspects, including set design/scenery, characters, plot, and dialogue. This experimental aspect of the film can be greatly attributed to the French New Wave movement and was most likely inspired by…show more content…
With most classical Hollywood narrations, characters have a clear goal which they are trying to reach. The characters in this film all have their basic goals, but their true goals, those of redemption, have to be interpreted by the audience. This complicated feature adds much more depth to the storyline, instead of presenting everything on the surface and easily understood, the audience must dig deeper to discern the full story and themes. The added depth creates a film with much more meaning and purpose, one that audiences can appreciate, and one that sticks with them longer. A film of such was something new to the audience of its origin and they were suddenly forced to really think about what they were watching and

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