Filipino Culture In The Philippines

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Filipinos used to greet with a handshake. When younger people met with the older, usually have to kiss the back of the hands of older people as a courtesy. The young woman in the Philippines when he met with the elder had to kiss both cheeks as a courtesy. Some indigenous tribes in the Philippines has a very distinctive way of shaking hands. When completed salaman they will turn around and took a few steps. This means giving the explanation that they do not store knives in their backs. They regard this as a way of shaking the most true and sincere. Filipinos were mostly converted to Roman Catholicism and some small embrace the religion of Islam. Filipinos are very taboo number 13 being perceived as "evil god" which symbolizes…show more content…
When talking to the Brazilian, do not bring about the job before they brought it up first. When speech is not allowed within a little way. No matter how hot the weather there, during a visit wearing dark colors are best. Cinema in Brazil terbai on 3 levels according to age and criteria. When going to the movies do not forget to bring ID card for inspection. In Brazil when it will go into other people's private homes, should be approved. If asked to 3 times enumerated by the owners and no response from the people who will visit, then the homeowner may be raised a gun and fired. Brazilians and coffee is something inseparable. Consume 10 cups of coffee a day is a very reasonable thing. Brazil consists of a collection of the European, African, Indian, Arabic and Asian. But the main thing is the Portuguese. Therefore, the culture is very close to protugal. Eating fish in Brazil has not been a general / overall. Usually Brazilians consuming only fish on Friday or on the day of Easter. Brazilians really love shrimp, but expensive. Indians in Brazil have a strange habit that shower. They assume invited guests shower is the best form of service for guests. Within a day they usually shower dozens of times. CZECH

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