Feminist Ethics In India

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Feminist ethics (radical) The radical feminist ethics refer to “the coercive power of the patriarchy that is so powerful and subtle that most women do not even notice that they are being coerced.” However, this argument would also, upon application to other professions, mean that women are coerced everywhere. Here, we stop to note that the split nature of dominant feminist ethics in relation to prostitution may backfire and potentially decrease the impact of feminist inspired policies and may also render invisible those who are most at risk. E. Permanent Vice There will always be a demand for sexual services. Even if prostitution is fully criminalised, the sex industry, like any other criminalised vice (eg, drugs) would just go underground.…show more content…
However, the country experiences adverse effects as a result. The widely known Delhi rape case has sparked a debate on the legalisation of prostitution. Proponents for decriminalisation assert that the sheer volume of rape and violence that occurs in India is a direct result of sexual depravation. There are 37 million more men than women in India, and the female to male gender ratio is worsening year to year. The situation in India has been highlighted has been highlighted by Amnesty International who is advocating for the decriminalisation of prostitution. IV. Regulation Where prostitution is controlled by the government and is legal only under certain state-specified conditions. The underlying premise in legalised regimes is that prostitution is necessary for stable social order. It nonetheless should be subject to controls to protect public order and health. Some jurisdictions opt for legalisation as a means to reduce crimes associated with prostitution (eg, organised crime, police corruption, child prostitution, sex trafficking). The main aim is to allow prostitution for the women who choose it, but still protect the vulnerable and victims of forced…show more content…
This would be considered immoral, as the man has committed adultery, and his wife does not experience any happiness. It does not matter if she discovers the truth, as essentially her husband is hiding the truth from her, which is inherently immoral. The analysis would differ if it were a single man. This transaction would not be as complicated. Mill would thus opine that the act between two parties is moral, but once a third party is in the picture the situation gets murky because it potentially causes harm to one of the parties. Assuming the health situation is in check, and there is no tolerance for violence, utilitarianism will deem prostitution as ethically sound. Further, criminalising prostitution as mentioned above will only move it underground. Therefore on a balance, it would create greater happiness for prostitution to be

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