Felix Arrington: A Short Story

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"And here he comes- right cross, left hook, right hook!" A crowd of fourteen thousand people stood up on their feet across the entire MGM Grand Garden Arena located in the infamous casino's event stage. A myriad of strobes across the catwalks beamed down on it's occupants and almost drew an angelic ray upon the fighters between the ropes. It was evident they were giving the fans what they had paid for, as the two muscular combatants pushed each other to their limits in order to test their mettle. One of them, the favorite Felix Arrington, was exerting his prowess upon his opponent at the moment. Cheers came from all directions in order to fuel the fire burning within the ex-Army Ranger's heart. There was no going back from here, as sweat…show more content…
The idea happened to be new for the muscular Adonis. He never had the need for a therapist to treat his aching muscles before. However, Felix had been absorbing more damage than he had been in his career now that he was fighting tougher competition. Not even in the Army, serving multiple tours overseas, did he ever feel so damn stiff before. After signing in by the front desk and trading insurance information, the brute found himself standing in front of the aforementioned television mounted to the wall. It was evident he had been a fighter, for there were two butterfly bandages across his face. One had been laid vertically across his brow, and the other horizontally across his cheek to keep some cuts from…show more content…
"Felix... Arrington..?" She'd look down at her clipboard, as Felix turned on the heel of his tennis shoe. He'd nod and retort with that deep pitch that rivaled a celebrity such as Vin Diesel, "Yeah. Ready?" The assistant would point to him with the clipboard as he began to walk over, "You're on television, aren't you? The boxer?" Felix would shake his head with a grin as he brushed passed, "No clue what you're talking about..." As if it wasn't obvious by the occasional grunt of the man from sore ribs, or the bandages on his

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