Father Son Relationships In The Chosen, By Chaim Potok

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The Chosen, by Chaim Potok is a novel that conveys a story of true friendship and the importance of father-son relationships. In other words, the novel is about dispute within relationships such as father-son relationship, friends, and among the Jewish life in the United States. Using two Jewish boys, Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders as central characters, Potok displays the challenges and different scenarios that the two characters have to face without ruining their friendship. Potok also focuses on the fathers of the characters whose beliefs and standards are completely different. Although both fathers demonstrate love for their children in different ways, both do what they think is best for their sons, despite the suffering that it may cause them. The novel is set in…show more content…
Due to that, the setting creates an underlying tension for the main characters. Reuven Malter, the narrator of the novel, is a fifteen year old boy who is depicted as a smart and diligent character in the novel. He is believed to have lots of potential and intellectual abilities such as his passion for mathematics and his knowledge of the Talmud. Throughout the novel, Reuven is a very compassionate and sensible character, especially after the eye injury which taught him how to feel for others and appreciate what he has. In short, Reuven is thought to have a bright mind with a very caring soul. "Somehow everything had changed. I had spent five days in a hospital and the world around seemed sharpened now and pulsing with life."(102) Reuven's threat of blindness taught him to appreciate the gift of perception and enhanced his understanding of the world's suffering. Moreover, Reuven never delays to talk to his father about personal or academic issues, which shows that Reuven's relationship towards his father is affectionate. Their relationship consists of open communication and unconditional love for each other unlike the relationship between Danny and Reb. Reuven's plan

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