Fahrenheit 451: The Perfect Utopian Society

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The perfect Utopian society means perfect people. the people of Fahrenheit 451 are brainwashed into thinking that they are living in a perfect society where everyone is always equal and life is somewhat good. In ways our society is alike to theirs in the way we interact with other people and the the way technology is being used in both societies. Social interactions with people are very little most of the time in Fahrenheit 451 and sometimes even in our own society. In the novel the Character Clarisse says that her family walks places and they enjoy the world and everything they see unlike the people who drive the jet cars and don’t know what the world looks like. The people who drive these jet cars don’t have the interactions with the outside world. In the novel most people only care about their jobs, entertainment, or their own well being. Millie for example, the parlour shows is one of the things she lives for. Her marriage with Montag, the main character, is almost empty. People are so into what they want that they lose the social part of interacting with others. Mostly in our society things are different. Our society is in a…show more content…
In the novel the technology used is meant to distract people. The parlour walls are one of the biggest distractions, as demonstrated by Millie. The technology being used has completely taken them away from all the things around them. They have just accepted the fact that books are gone and they don’t need to know why. The war going on was huge but people were constantly glued to tv or other devices that they just forgot about it. Our society shows this in a way. We have all this technology and some of us don’t know how to use it. We get addicted to it just like the society in the novel did. Some people even choose this over their own family. The way it's used also Fluctuates. people use technology to communicate and complete basic needs in today's

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