Extreme Emotions In Romeo And Juliet By Shakespeare And Robert Browning

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Writers such as Shakespeare and Robert Browning are highly credited with their elaborate use of language to express a turbulence of extreme emotions. Not just any common emotions, yet emotions that delve deep into unravelling human personalities with just one word. The constant fluctuation of explosive emotions would never fail to alter the reader’s mind-set on society and others around them, whether they lived in the 1800s or not. An example of a reoccurring theme which both writers use as a foundation for their work is death and the emotions that come with it. During Act 4 scene 3, Juliet is conflicted with the desire of taking her own life in order to prevent marrying someone other than Romeo. In order to accomplish this, she drinks a ‘’poison’’ which she received from Friar Laurence. Juliet seemingly understands death and the horrors of ‘’loathsome smells’’ and ‘’buried ancestors’’ that come hand in hand. Yet, she goes on to describe that a world without Romeo as her husband is a fate…show more content…
Instead a fictional or historical figure is used who is clearly unstable. Allowing them to slowly leak their physiological instability themselves, adding more depth and meaning and letting the reader piece it together themselves rather than narrating it out. Thus, including extreme emotions such as hate, jealousy, anger and so on. However, the characters of ‘Romeo & Juliet’ are not seen as precisely unstable. Yet they carry similar emotions as the ones evident in Browning’s poems. Which in Browning’s poems alike lead to death of one or both of the lovers. Also the use of God and religion in both the poems and ‘Romeo & Juliet’ is seemingly strewn around easily. Whish wouldn’t have been taken lightly by the audience during the 1800s (as religion was really important to them) and would have further emphasised the point of what certain emotions can lead

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