Explain The Principles Structure And Legal Status Of The Eyfs

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The Early Years Foundation Stage is provided by the Department Of Education for a range of early years workers to follow. Standards are set for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. In this booklet, we will follow the principles and structure of the EYFS framework, identify and evaluate safeguarding and welfare requirements and how settings are inspected to have their delivery of the EYFS assessed. The Principles, Structure And Legal Status Of The EYFS There are four themes that underlie everything the EYFS provides and stands for; these themes each have a principle they follow and give ways how to follow them in the early years setting. It is believed that development takes place when a unique child…show more content…
It goes on to explain that the characteristics of effective learning allows children to move through the prime and specific areas of development. It also explains what each area enhances developmentally and relates to. The remainder of the EYFS specifies what children are capable of learning at different age ranges of the seven learning areas and what adults can do and provide to develop their understanding. However, the EYFS believe very strongly in child individuality and distinctiveness so they state that the order of children’s learning shouldn’t be taken literally. This is because human beings are not as consistent and ordinary as check lists; a child aged 21 months old may display understanding and experimentation with a characteristic from the 40-60+ months bracket. It also specifies that the age ranges given overlap because of this reason but still suggest a typical range. All early years providers are obliged to follow the EYFS framework by law to ensure children receive the correct care away from the home. There are numerous acts that protect this obligation and its contents including the Childcare Act 2006, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. If settings must comply with the EYFS lawfully, it ensures children receive the correct and necessary practice and…show more content…
Keeping policies and procedures allows clear rules boundaries to be put in place and a range of people to be aware of what they are. By having records of the children’s details, practitioners are able to place them within an age bracket for development to consider when observations take place. Dietary requirements and medical conditions can also be seen to in the setting and when an incident or emergency takes place, staff are able to use the contacts given. Records are also kept when a child has an accident to make carers aware of the incident and to refer to if the child later falls ill. However, writing and updating policies regularly is very time-consuming so it’s more likely that the administrator of the setting will see less of the children. While record keeping is very efficient, it can take up a lot of space in rows of filing cabinets within the setting. Not only this but certain records have to be kept in the cabinets for a minimum of 21 years. Practitioners’ records and achievements are checked to ensure their suitability around children. When looking at the rationale behind EYFS safeguarding and welfare conditions, we can conclude that they are in place to guarantee inclusion, that individual needs are met and children are safe at all

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