Explain The Importance Of The Team Having A Common Sense Of Purpose

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1.0 Connect the team with vision and strategy 1.1 Explain the importance of the team having a common sense of purpose that supports the overall vision and strategy of the University (16 marks) An organisation's vision is how it defines the reasons for its existence; it’s strategy defines how it will achieve its vision. A common sense of purpose is one of the things that joins vision and strategy together. The organisational vision is what helps motivate staff, outlines how it will benefit its customers, and sets out the future directions in which it will move. This can only be successful if the organisation is successful in creating a common sense of purpose. This common sense of purpose is important because it creates: High levels of…show more content…
Often they feel good about doing the job, and discusses work related issues with colleagues. This level of positive interaction between employees enables them to see the links between the role of their job and the way that it helps the organisation achieves its vision. Effective teams have both a shared sense of purpose in both a team sense, and an organisational sense. The shared sense of purpose enables the development of cross-functional teams, which enables an organisation to implement its vision and strategy in an effective and efficient manner. 1.2 Explain the role that communication plays in establishing a common sense of purpose (16 marks) Communication is vital to establishing a common sense of purpose. Timely, accurate, consistent, and informative messages from all levels of leadership establishes and cements a common sense of purpose. Communication enables to teams to have confidence that the work they are doing is both meaningful and well directed; contributing directly to the organisation's fulfillment of its vision. Communication should be well timed, through appropriate mediums and at all levels. First line managers should expand on the way in which the team will contribute, as well as outlining how others will augment the work that is being…show more content…
I ensure that my staff have a clear understanding of what their work is contributing to; and aim to have a high level understanding of the overall goals of project teams in order to communicate the value that work is providing. A recent example of this would be helping a member of staff understand that a short-notice peice of work would enable us to deliver significant benefits to the entire organisation around reporting of sickness. This enabled that person to see the value that the University would directly derive from his work. I was then able to talk about that at the next team meeting, and show that value to others within the

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