Exemplification Essay: The National Cancer Act Of 1971

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The National Cancer Act of 1971 Taylor Gunn 17 November 2014 Law of Healthcare Administration “We may never understand illnesses such as cancer. In fact, we may never cure it. But an ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure” (Agus). Cancer has long been a fear of the American people and remains so today even after the 1971 bill was passed by Congress. The National Cancer Act of 1971 was a major step in understanding cancer to a greater degree. The National Cancer Act of 1971 was argued by many about who, when, and how it was brought to Congress, but was crucial a crucial part in the movement against cancer that continues to today. The National Cancer Act of 1971 was an act that took approximately 2 years to be created and be passed. The movement that began had been started by Mary Lasker primarily after the death of her husband from cancer. Cancer was already the central talk for the government since 1937 when the National Cancer Institute Act was passed. It also became more of a public concern over the years creating a higher interest because no cure had been found yet. The Cancer Act of 1971 was an attempt to improve the understanding of how to…show more content…
It did accomplish taking the NCI out from under the control of the NIH, it also accomplished getting funding for the research into the aspects of cancer. It also created more research facilities across the country and created committees for all areas of research (Cancer Institute). When considered carefully, it did accomplish in doing all these things that is stated in The Act. It did not say that it would find a cure for cancer or give up if they did not find it. So it did accomplish what was stated in The Act. The continuing search for a cure continues to this day is a long term result from this bill. Since then, it has been modified in certain areas, the first modification was in

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