Examples Of Semi-Structured Interview

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Semi-structured Interviews The semi-structured interview is where an interviewer attempts to elicit information from a participant through asking questions (Smith, 1995). Semi-structured interviews offer participants the chance to explore issues they feel are important (Longhurst, 2003). In a semi-structured interview, the interviewer uses an interview guide and can make changes to this guide, depending on how the interview is progressing and developing (Becker et al., 2012). Semi-structured interviews have been used to collect data in a diverse range of topics (Longhurst, 2003). Semi-structured interviews have previously been described as both ‘soft’ and ‘informal’ (Longhurst, 2003). As a result, this type of interview is well suited for…show more content…
This was evident from the semi-structured interviews guide structure which followed a themed format. The semi-structured interview guide as illustrated in Appendix 4 includes the main research objectives, questions and themes with follow-up questions and sub-themes. This will help to structure the interviews to become highly focussed between questions as it permits flexibility within the structure of the interview which will assist the participants (Ritchie et al., 2013). Albeit, this technique can be time-consuming when transcribing data (Ritchie et al., 2013). The format of the semi-structured interview was the most appropriate to achieve the objectives of this study and for ease of data collection. From the survey, 41% (n=51) of respondents agreed to participate further and from this six participants were selected for semi-structured interview. The participation of three male and three female agricultural advisors at different stages in their career as agricultural advisors was utilised. Pilot interviews were completed in advance to highlight any potential issues that may arise in relation to the interview techniques being used by the researcher, in order to ameliorate high quality data for analysis. The pilot interviews helped to modify the interview guide in order to make the real interviews as informal as possible.…show more content…
The use of recording equipment is essential, however, the respondent must be asked for permission first (Sarantakos, 2005). Participants were asked to sign a declaration form which stated their awareness of being recorded and that the recording would be kept by the researcher for a short period and then deleted. This was in line with the UCD research ethics code of conduct (UCD, 2010). Semi-structured interviews must be available in written form for scientific analysis, and therefore must be transcribed (Schmidt, 2004). Each of the six interviews that were completed were transcribed and categorised by theme to help analyse the data with background details on each participant also detailed. Utility of this
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