Examples Of Poortermined Definition

597 Words3 Pages
There are millions of words in the English language, some are great; have great meanings, and other words even though they are used a great deal, are offensive, have offensive meanings or are just plain dumb. I have chosen to write about a few words including my favorite and least favorite word, and a couple of words I made up. Warning this paper has been censored. Poortermined Definition: some one that is poor because he is determined to use the money he makes to purchase something that is expensive or he has been wanting for a long time, but has had to save up to purchase. He seems poor because he doesn’t go out with his friends and have a good time even though he has the money. But instead he has control and doesn’t spend money on stupid shit like most teenagers and college students. Citgirboot Definition: a city girl that wears daisy duke shorts and thinks she’s country because she wears cowboy boots, but doesn’t know how to ride a horse and doesn’t want to get dirty or do hard work. Citgirboot’s just want to get attention from country boys, but most country boys know better.…show more content…
Yes fu+k, the reason I nominate it is because, it’s my favorite word. I probably say fu+k at least fifty times a day, because it can be used in a variety of sentences and situations. Fu+k maybe the most functional word of the English language, because you can get fu+ked up, you can get fu+ked over, you may not give a fu+k about someone or something. You can be a dumb fu+k, you can tell someone to fu+k off, or to shut the fu+k up. You can fu+k something up or someone up, when you break something you can say its fu+ked, and it can also mean to make love to

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