Examples Of Misogyny In The Taming Of The Shrew

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Many dictionaries will give the same vague statement, “the hatred of women,” when describing what misogyny is. Cambridge dictionary describes it as “a man who believes that women are much better than men.” Mac Millan dictionary says, “being prejudice against women.” Although there are many more aspects to the entirety of misogyny, these two definitions assist in painting the big picture. In the play the Taming of the Shrew, the greedy Petruchio who sets out to tame the shrewish Kate, is a prime example of misogyny. He displays his domineering, selfish ways by denigrating, controlling, and suppressing Katherine. In the beginning of the play, before Petruchio had met Kate, he certainly does not seem like the type of man to marry for love, saying: “And therefore, if thou know one rich enough to be Petruchio’s wife, As wealth is burden of my wooing dance, be she as foul as was Florentius' love, As old as Sibyl and as curst and shrewd as Socrates' Xanthippe, or a worse, she moves me not, or not removes at least…show more content…
He continues his rein of authority by insisting that Kate agrees with him even when he is wrong and it goes against the obvious truth. While heading to Padua, Petruchio changes his opinion as to whether it is the sun or the moon that is out and will not more on until she agrees with his statement. She then gives up saying, “But it is not when you say it is not. And the moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it names, even that it is and do it shall be still for Katherine.” (IV.vi.20-23). Later on, when they meet Vincentio, Lucentio’s father, on the road Petruchio pretends to think he is a young woman and she obediently plays along. He again is trying to suppress Kate and mold her into the ideal wife. By this, he needs her to understand that he is superior to her, so whatever his wants or needs should be abided

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