Examples Of Injustice In The Great Gatsby

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Life is not fair, that is a fact. Some people are born into this world with millions of dollars to fall back on and a life of luxury, while others, that are less fortunate, are born on the street without a blanket to keep themselves warm. Neither of the two choose which life they would be born into and that in itself is injustice. That is not the only thing in the world that is not fair, things happen all the time, accidents, that can either help or hurt somebody that they had nothing to do with themselves. In the books The Things They Carried , In Cold Blood, The Grapes of Wrath, and The Great Gatsby, each of the main characters suffer the injustice of life and are a keen example of the fact that life is not fair. In The Great Gatsby one…show more content…
That alone is not fair, the family did not choose to live during one of the worst times in the history of America, yet they did. They had to pick up everything and leave, with no money, no hope and no place to go. Not only did this happen to the Joad family, it was happening to people all across America. So not only were the Joad’s looking for jobs and a place to stay for a family, so was the rest of the country. None of them choose to lose everything they had and none of them made the decisions that would lead them to that point, it just happened. All the crops dried up and if there were crops nobody had the money to buy them anyways, the entire economy that the midwest region, that the Joad’s had based their life on was gone and there was nothing they had done and there was nothing they could…show more content…
On their Journey they were promised great jobs with great money on the west coast, all they had to do was get there and the job was theirs. When they arrived all the good jobs were gone and all that was left were the thousands of people looking for the same jobs and almost nothing to be done and almost no money left to be paid. But this was it, this was the end of the line, there was no place left to go from here so they worked for the handful of change they would receive by the end of the day. All along their journey the Joad’s were promised work and good money but they never got there. If this happened to the Joad’s it also must have happened to the other thousands of families that were looking for the same exact thing, but what they all got was nothing. They deserved so much more for the work and the hardships they had to struggle through yet there was nothing to

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