Examples Of Injustice According To Glaucon

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1. According to Glaucon, what is the conventional wisdom regarding the utility of injustice? According to Glaucon, injustice is more profitable to the individual than justice. If an individual commits injustice and gets away with it then that outcome is the best possible outcome. Glaucon states that “a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever anyone thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust. For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice” 2. How does Gyges get the ring? What power does it give him? How does he use the Power? Gyges was a shepherd in the service of the king of Lydia; there was a great storm, and an earthquake that made an opening in the earth. Gyges looked in and saw a dead body having nothing on but a gold ring, he took the ring from the finger of the dead body. He came to realize that when the ring is worn a certain way he becomes invisible and is then free to do what he pleases going unnoticed by others around him, then he went to the court; as soon as…show more content…
What is Glaucon’s purpose in relating this story? What does he hope to show about justice/injustice? Do you agree with his conclusions? What does your answer tell you about your own views of justice/the just person? Gluacon relates the story to his argument concerning injustice because it demonstrates how men would abuse a great power given to them in order to obtain individual profits. It shows how men would choose injustice over justice if they knew they wouldn’t be caught. I completely agree with Glaucons conclusions that men would sin and commit unjust acts in order to profit themselves versus following laws and morals implemented by society. My response tells me that my own views of justice/ Injustice are sound and ethical. 5. What does Adeimantus contribute to the discussion about justice and injustice? What does he ask of

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