Examples Of Human Imperfection

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Perfection is an impossible goal to obtain. Though many people strive to be perfect and seem as though they never have, and never will make a mistake. There may be nothing wrong with attempting to be perfect, or the best version of oneself, but it is necessary to be aware of the fact that this goal is unattainable. Society has ruled making mistakes as a flaw of the individual who made the mistake, yet the flaw is mistakes being seen as a wrongful act. Being human is having imperfections, making mistakes, dealing with those struggles, and learning to use them for growth and betterment. With there being no way to be perfect, or avoid making mistakes these “problems” are what characterize people and encourage them to be their true self instead…show more content…
By nature the human race is full of flaws” ("Human Imperfection Illustrated In Hawthorne's The... | Bartleby." Bartleby.com. N. p., 2018. Web. 2 Mar. 2018.) if there were someone with no flaws they would not be seen as real it would not be believable that a human would be perfect “To try to manipulate humans into perfection is not only impossible, but it takes away the very essence of being a human being” ("Human Imperfection Illustrated In Hawthorne's The... | Bartleby." Bartleby.com. N. p., 2018. Web. 2 Mar. 2018.) everyone knows that there is not a perfect person. People are aware that in magazines and profesional pictures that people are edited to appear perfect but it is becoming more popular to have “natural” photoshoots where the models flaws are not covered so they seem more human “From defects in the body, to defects in the mind, to the mistakes that one makes in quotidian life, it is impossible to deny that human imperfection exists” ("Human Imperfection Illustrated In Hawthorne's The... | Bartleby." Bartleby.com. N. p., 2018. Web. 2 Mar.…show more content…
Embrace Your Imperfection." HuffPost. N. p., 2016. Web. 2 Mar. 2018.) Without being perfect everyone still does good things, but the imperfection and mistakes tend to overbare the good that has happened and leave people feeling as though they have only failed. “Because we put so much pressure on ourselves to constantly strive toward perfection, we often end up losing out on recognizing the small wins that we have throughout our day.” ("How To Be Your Best Self? Embrace Your Imperfection." HuffPost. N. p., 2016. Web. 2 Mar. 2018.) Once one can realize that their imperfections are what makes them themselves that is when they can come to love who they are and not only feel bad about themselves. “Accepting and appreciating those imperfections is just as important as emphasizing our strengths.”("How To Be Your Best Self? Embrace Your Imperfection." HuffPost. N. p., 2016. Web. 2 Mar.
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