maladministration, poverty, unemployment are some of the common pull factors today. When it comes to labour migration or economic migration, comparatively low wages of the country of origin push emigrants to migrate to a country where wages are high. As an example rapid economic growth of United States in 19 th century became a factor for many countries to push emigrants. nearly 40% of the population in 19th century are foreign born and today it is 10 % after imposing restrictions. This helped America to build
The authority and legitimacy of modern nation states has come under a severe challenge as a result of rising trends in terrorism. Confronted with one of the most brutal forms of violence, a suitable or adequate response to terrorism is still to be framed, even as a proper context of evaluation and a sufficient understanding of its causation and methodology remain elusive. The uniqueness of terrorism lies in its complex inner dimensions, its continuous and rapid adaptations, and its wide variations