Examples Of Anthropomorphism In Alice In Wonderland

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“Even the tiger runs and hides when little Tabaqui goes mad, for madness is the most disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature.” These words of Rudyard Kipling are perfectly describe anthropomorphism in children British literature. Lewis Carroll, C.S Lewis, and Rudyard Kipling are authors who are known for anthropomorphism in Alice Adventure in Wonderland, The Jungle Book, and The Chronicles of Narnia were al intended to instruct and entertain. In “Alice Adventure in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, each character except Alice, is absurdly one-dimensional and causes Alice to develop in reaction to their almost frustratingly intolerant natures. The characterization of Alice in Wonderland fixates on roles of English culture being appropriated for performance by…show more content…
The boy- hero Mowgli has to learn the Law of the Jungle, an Education in a social code that is sometimes said to parallel the ‘civilizing mission’ of British imperialism. Rudyard Kipling was a social Darwinist who believed in what he called “White Man’s Burden.” He believed that some races were born inferior and do not have the ability to control themselves. He believed it was the duty of the “civilized” and “superior” white man to help the members of foreign colonies progress as a civilization and to “help those who cannot help themselves.” A rare proof edition of the classic has been discovered to his baby daughter Josephine in 1894 who was just one year old. She died just five years later of pneumonia. Kipling felt life-long guilt for pulling strings to get his short-sighted son john into the army after he died on the first day of action in WWI. His body was never found. Kipling made no mention of the tragic deaths of either his daughter Josephine or son John in his auto biography, ‘Something of

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