Examples Of Allusions In The Gift Of The Magi

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In O. Henry’s story “The Gift of the Magi,” a young married couple, Della and Jim, are perplexed on what to get each other for Christmas without much money. Four illusions include references to the Queen of Sheba, King Solomon, the three wise men, and a biblical allusion. One of the allusions refers to Jim and Della’s most prized possessions. Della’s most prized possession is her hair. In “The Gift of the Magi” O. Henry claims that the Queen of Sheba, a beautiful and wealthy queen, would envy Della because of her hair. Jim’s post prized possession is a watch that had been passed down from his grandfather. Again, O. Henry states King Solomon would be jealous of such a watch because he would having nothing in his treasury so valuable (O. Henry).

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