Examples Of Alliteration In The Tell Tale Heart

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The Tell Tale heart is an amazing short story written by Edger Allen Poe in 1843, it is filled with Symbolisms Imagery allegory and many things, and even the tittle has alliteration “The Tell Tale”. Before we can breakdown and analyze the story, we need to understand more about the situation of the narrator and personality. The narrator is telling a story about what the crime he did and to prove how he did it and how he is not insane the first sentence already has hinted that the narrator is in some sort of asylum. You can also understand the word choices used as sometimes it gets irregular further on the story in which we can tell that the narrator was not all crazy to begin with and we can see how he slowly loses his mind. The vocabulary…show more content…
“The Tale Heart” uses alliterations for example the tittle and “Hearken! and observe how healthily –how” (Poe, 1843). Alliteration does give the text a more pleasing tone, as it is unique and hard to form the sentence. Simile also plays a part in the story as Poe uses simile to describe the darkness “His room was as black as pitch” (Poe, 1843) and also he uses simile to describe how stealthily he opens the door to the old man’s room “like the thread of the spider” (Poe, 1843) Poe also use Anaphora in the text which also hints the reader that the narrator is in fact insane as insane people likes to repeat words a lot. “Hearken! and observe how healthily –how” (Poe, 1843) and “I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell” (Poe, 1843). Where the first extract he used the “how” more than once in a sentence and the second extract he uses the I Heard. Anaphora is repeatedly used throughout the text as this is part of the narrator’s…show more content…
The old man’s “evil” eye could be many things, the film in the eye could mean a medical condition where he has trouble seeing but the main points to his eyes are as follow. The eye is said to do things that are not normal, as it seems to have powers as it makes the narrator’s blood run cold. “so cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye --not even his --could have detected any thing wrong” (Poe, 1843) which can mean that the eye can see through secrets and hidden things. The heart is also part of an allegory as it beats louder when the eye’s in danger as it was mentioned when he was about to kill the man the heartbeat of the old man became very loud and beats so that the neighbors hears it. This could mean that the heart is the eye’s body guard as it sounds an alarm type of

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