Examples Of Abuse Of Power In The Tempest

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The Tempest is a story concerning power and what those with it do with that power. The instances of abuse of power shown in The Tempest are still relevant today - from corrupted political officials who accept briberies to support their own agendas to a parents attempt to shield their child from the outside world being a form of overbearing control and manipulation, we also witness people using any advantages they have over others as a means to control and manipulate. In the opening scene during which a dangerous and turbulent storm takes place and creates conflict between the nobles and the sailors (lower class) passengers aboard a ship. The noblemen, as with everyone else are worried about their lives, but are helpless and instead choose…show more content…
Antonio, brother of Prospero abused his brother’s trust and power in order to gain political favor and power of his own. With that power he was able to slowly remove control from his brother to himself. In order to fully seize control from Prospero, Antonio pledged allegiance to the King of Naples “agreeing to pay him a regular annual sum, swear subservience to him, and put the dukedom of Milan—never subservient to anyone before!—under the humiliating control of Naples” as Prospero puts it. Instead of murdering Prospero, Antonio and his co-conspirators decide to cast Prospero and his young daughter away to what would be a certain death. They put them on a small boat, without any supplies and left them asea, probably expecting them to die of a certain…show more content…
He uses his knowledge of sorcery to not only shipwreck his enemies, but he also uses it as a means of control. On the small island that he and his daughter Miranda have habituated since their banished, Prospero has enslaved the islands others inhabitants - Ariel and Caliban. Ariel was left imprisoned on the island once his previous master, the witch Sycorax had died and upon Prospero’s arrival had been set free and has since pledged loyalty to him. Prospero however, has used this as a clutch to manipulate Ariel into fulfilling his every wish and refuses to give him his freedom. It is also shown in the text that Prospero speaks very crudely to Ariel and threatens him with violence and imprisonment if he were to disobey his master he states “If you complain any more, I’ll split an oak tree and lock you up in it till you’ve howled for twelve years.” Another inhabitant of the island is Caliban, son of the witch Sycorax with whom Prospero apparently had a decent relationship until Calian attempted to ‘violate’ Miranda. He has since been enslaved by Prospero, who controls him by inflicting great pain upon him with his sorcery to keep him in

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