Example Of Group Analysis

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Christensen Group topic: Resume Writing The group was focused on learning how to write a resume that is presentable and create results. Patients had an opportunity to discuss their strengths and skills, and practice writing their rough draft of a personal resume in class. PO moderately participated in the group activities by completing the rough draft resume, and contributing to the group discussion. PO openly and honestly shared his work related strengths and skills with peers. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, which indicated that he is looking a new place to live with his girlfriend and daughter. PO has a positive attitude toward his treatment and recovery. Hawkins Group topic: Resume Writing The group was focused…show more content…
Patients had an opportunity to discuss their strengths and skills, and practice writing their rough draft of a personal resume in class. PO moderately participated in the group activities by completing the rough draft resume, and contributing to the group discussion. PO openly and honestly shared his work related strengths and skills with peers. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, which indicated that she is experiencing financial difficulty. PO reported that she attended two support group meetings this past week, but did not provided verification. PO has a positive attitude toward his treatment and…show more content…
Patients had an opportunity to discuss their strengths and skills, and practice writing their rough draft of a personal resume in class. PO moderately participated in the group activities by completing the rough draft resume, and contributing to the group discussion. PO openly and honestly shared his work related strengths and skills with peers. PO completed the weekly treatment progress, reported having attended two support meetings this past week. Verification was provided. PO has a positive attitude toward his treatment and

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