Everyman Reflection

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1. As do all morality plays, Everyman teaches a lesson. What is the lesson of this play, and in what other texts have we seen a similar theme? The most important lesson which Everyman provides concerns the earthy pleasures and goods we relish. While we enjoy the company of our kindred and fellowship and all that is material and mortal, at the hour of our reckoning all that was earth-bound remains behind us and does not matter in front the face of God. The greatness of the gold and enjoyment of our fellowships have no value once we leave our mortal life. Similar work concerning a man's journey to Heaven or Hell and the troubles that go alongside it, can be seen in Dante's Inferno-where Dante was on a voyage to Hell, while meeting different characters and experiencing various troubles during the way. 2. What is Everyman's initial response to Death's pronouncement? How does he try to avoid his reckoning? At the first sight of Death, Everyman refused its proclamation and declined to go with it explaining that he is not ready for the demanded task. After Death explained its purpose of coming, Everyman's first reaction was to bribe it by his earthy goods which Death dismissed as not worthy to…show more content…
Fellowship, even though promised to follow him to the end and back, in the end explained what kind of promise that was. It described the meaning of its promise with these words:"And yet if thou wilt eat, and drink, and make good cheer,Or haunt to women, the lusty companion,I would not forsake you, while the day is clear". Also, his Kindred and Cousin made clear their intentions to leave him go alone, telling him their blood relations mean nothing when it comes to such a dangerous task : "No by our Lady; I have the cramp in my toe. Trust not to me, for, so God me speed,I will deceive you in your most need" confirming that your closest kind can turn into deadliest

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