Emirates Airlines Culture Analysis

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Introduction Emirates, a Dubai, United Arab Emirates based airline is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, owned by the government of Dubai. Emirates Airlines is crowned as the largest amongst its competitors in the Middle East as it operates nearly 3,400 flights per week from its hub, Dubai International Airport, to more than 142 cities in 78 countries across six continents Emirates is renowned as a strong brand as it has emerged as a leader in the aviation industry, particularly in terms of service excellence, rapid growth and consistent profitability. In recognition of its services in the field of aviation and safety standards, Emirates was nominated as Airline of the Year in 2013. History Dubai, established as a fishing village at the…show more content…
The competitive advantage and position of Emirates can be attributed to their leaders. Their leadership constitutes of aptitude and skills to motivate as well as influence the behavior and thinking of the people. It is safe to call it a process of social stimulus enabling an individual to provide support and assistance for others to achieve common goal. Organization Culture Emirates has successfully established itself as Competent and Effective in terms of Organization Culture. Emirates’ organization culture is quality, service & role oriented. It can be characterized as a forward –looking culture that takes customer’s requirements into consideration. In Emirates, the entire organizational structure has a designated role to play to make sure that every flight is in time and provides all customers with every facility. All employees including the top management tier are liable for every action taken. The Tall structure (comprehensive management tier) of Emirates works in a satisfactory modus operandi for decision-making as multicultural set of managers and employees can result in accumulation of different ideas. Vision based working with multiple ideas and values can lead to ethical conduct of…show more content…
Good leaders has the ability to transform and inspire entities and whole companies alike. Tim Clark, CEO Emirates, has played prominent role in managing Emirates under the guidance of Chairman Emirates, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum. Leadership pattern of Tim Cark shows Autocratic qualities at the time of quick decision requirement where lower management was to be ordered, whereas, he has managed Democratic qualities in situations where all tiers of the organization were to be taken in to confidence before making an important decision. Tim Clark has shown the potential of a wise, quick thinking dynamic leader, whose perception of each situation is unusual and has extraordinary decision making

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