Anne Bradstreet's Poem Verses Upon The Burning Of Our House

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1. This stanza is from "Verses Upon the Burning of Our House" by a Puritan wife in the 17th Century, Anne Bradstreet. Bradstreet wrote this after her house burned down. She refers to God by saying, "I blest his Name that gave and took" which shows that she understands that it was God who gave her all her earthly possessions but then took it away from her. Bradstreet mentions how her possesions do not belong to her in "It was his own: it was not mine;" which shows that she knows that God can do whatever he pleases with her possesions because he in the one who gave it to her in the first place. The Puritans at the time believed that earthly possesions kept one from going into Heaven so she says "Yea so it was, and so 'twas just" because she knows that it does not matter if she loses her earthly…show more content…
4. This stanza is from "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly" by minister and poet, Edward Taylor. This poem talks about the Devil's temptations and how he is preying on weak Puritans. Taylor mentions the devil by saying "vemon elf" and continues to talk about his schemes of luring people to sin in "Is this thy play To spin a web out of thyself". Taylor then compares weak Puritans to "a fly" who can be easily caught by the "venom elf". Taylor believed that everyone was born a sinner, therefore it is easy to be tempted by the devil, but he warns the readers taht if they remain "a fly" the devil will trap them in his web" and bring them to hell. 3. This stanza is from "Sinners at the Hands of An Angry God" by revivalist preacher, Jonathan Edwards. Edwards beleieves that you are being judged by God and that "you proabably are not sensible of

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