Eukaryotic Cell Lab Report

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Introduction This lab was created so students could study certain cells under a microscope. A Prokaryotic cell has no true nucleus. While an Eukaryotic cell has a nucleus. To be more specific Humans are made up of many Eukaryotic cells and an example of an organism made up of Prokaryotic cells would be bacteria. Weather the cell is a Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic they will both contain a Cell Membrane, Ribosomes, and they will both contain DNA. The Endosymbiotic Theory is an evolutionary theory that explains how Eukaryotic cells were developed from Prokaryotic cells. The Mitochondria are considered to have originated from the proteobacteria through endosymbiosis. Chloroplasts are one of many different types of organelles found in a plant cell.…show more content…
The onion skin cell comes from the inner curve of an onion section. Then, place the onion skin onto a slide and put two drops of iodine stain on the skin. After the iodine drops, place a cover slip onto of it. Place the slide under the microscope and focus the cells on 100x. Move the microscope to 430x and focus on the cells. The diagram 5 total cells and label the diagram with the Cell Membrane/ Cell Wall, Cytoplasm, and the Nucleus. Results In figure 1 the lab was to examine human cheek Cells, under the microscope the parts that were visible were the nucleus, cell Membrane, and the cytoplasm. In figure 2 frog blood was observed through the microscope. The microscope showed the Cell Membrane, Nucleus, and the Cytoplasm. In figure 3 the slide was human blood Cells. The only two structures visible in the human RBC was the cell membrane and the cytoplasm. During figure 4 an elodea leaf was placed on a slide to be looked at under the microscope. Because the leaf is a plant cell membrane, chloroplast, and the cell wall were al seen under the microscope. In figure 5 onion skin cells were under examination. Under the microscope the nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, and the cytoplasm were all…show more content…
The reason the cell cannot grow any bigger is because the volume increases much faster than its surface area, causing the cell membrane to be less efficient for the diffusion of many substances throughout the entire cell. The bulb in a plant functions as food storage. Chloroplast was lacking in the onion skin cells but was vast in the Elodea Leaf cells. The onion itself does not need chloroplasts because the actual onion grows underground. There is a part of the onion plant that grows above ground and that structure does need chloroplasts. (University of Cambridge) RBC's are lacking a nucleus. "Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of bone". (Medline Plus, Todd Gersten, MD). Since RBC's are not able to divide, the body must create brand new RBC's. The red blood cells are produced in the kidneys , when they are created they are to immature and not ready to go into the blood stream yet. They start as bone marrow but within 7 days they are mature enough to go into the blood stream. Hemoglobin is a very important protein in the cytoplasm of a human RBC. The humans red blood cell mainly carried oxygen. It also, "controls the pH of the blood by acting as an acid-base

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