Ethical Issues In Metros

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The Chairman of the Metro’s governing board is under investigation by the Districts inspector general. According to a member of the board’s committee whom stated that the Chairman violated conflict-of-interest rules in serving as paid adiviser to a company that has millions of dollars in contract work for the trasnsit agency. The next article is about the ethical decision that Republican Aaron Schocks has made when he accepted a free office decoration and this made him the subject of an ethics complaint. Both articles are different but have some similarities. In this paper I will compare and contrast articles and I’ll be discussing their similarity and diffrences. This two articles are very similar because they both face an ethical issue, spending their Organization for self intrest. They’re different because of the fact that one person is a chairman of a company and it’s a politician. The chairman of Metro Mortimer L. Downey has made no secrecy of his ties with the engineering company Parsons Brinckerhoff. That company has been paid $81 million to manage Metros capital improvement programs. The company had a role in designing and building the broken Silver…show more content…
The Metro’s board’s code of ethics list possible sanctions for a member who violates the rules. The committee can issue a public reprimand, restrict the member’s involvement in Metro governance or request that the member be removed from the board by officials. As the lawsuit of Parsons began, Metro requested $25.8 million in damages, alleging poor design, and management work by the company in building the facility. Parsons Brinckerhoff still denies the
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