Ethical Ethics Of Torture

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As criminal cases continue to increase, interrogating bodies have inflicted certain acts on culprits which have been described as torture; however there has been denial of executing it, and in most instances no one has been held questionable. This is has raised a lot of ethical dilemmas and questions about torture. Below is the analysis of three articles by renowned professors and authors who have raised different but sound thesis about ethics of torture. The stance taken in the articles is analyzed upon what philosophers of ethical norms of torture say. The first article titled: In Defense of Torture – by Sam Harris, argues that torture should be used in exceptional circumstances. The article clearly depicts that torturing terrorist suspects…show more content…
The first article, In Defense of Torture – by Sam Harris, Mill would support the decision taken by the author. This is so, because it is based on moral principle of utilitarianism which makes an action morally ethical due to the fact that it serves the common good of the majority or it positively impacts the majority (Sandel, n.d). However, this article is against Kant’s second universal rule with states that, people should never treat other merely as instruments; never as a means to their own goals (Johnson, 2008). In this article imposing torture on a suspect is a means of getting information about terrorist activities. This is really something that Kant would not support on his ethical standards in regard to torture. Turning to the second article; a meditation on torture saying that – Because It Is Wrong. Kant as a philosopher would find his categorical imperative norms relevantly applicable. In this article, Prof. Charles Fried and Prof. Gregory Fried are absolutely against torture by advocating for rights of treating humans’ self-respect and integrity with high attention. This vividly depicts that ethical morals against torture are observed under certain duties and rights as categorically elaborated by Kant. Conclusively; the third article: Rules Should Govern Torture by Dershowitz, Kant’s categorical principle would apply. In this article Dershowitz supports that let there be a warrant to allow execution of torture, the reason for this is to know who is responsible for executing torture and who should be held accountable. This is shows the right intention under which torture is inflicted upon a terrorist criminal, as Kant emphasizes that: “An act is not good, is not moral if it is done under the momentum of fulfilling or achieving certain goals with different motivations behind

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