Estrogen And Progesterone: A Case Study

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Week One: -When the levels of estrogen and progesterone are at the lowest, due to the oocyte ‘egg” not being fertilized, the low levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the blood and tissues that line the uterus to break down and they begin to shed, causing bleeding from the uterus flowing out of the vagina for five to eight days. -During menses a woman can feel bloated, as the body retains salt causing the body to retain water. Woman can experience these symptoms during menstruation: uterine cramping, back pain, nausea, breast tenderness, mood changes, diarrhea, and constipation. All are due to the changes in hormones (estrogen and progesterone), loss of blood, changes to the uterus, and the loss of the uterine lining. (http://bestpregnancynews/2014/11/pregnancy-implantation.html)…show more content…
As the follicle secretes estrogens, the endometrium begins to thicken awaiting the implantation of a fertilized egg (Zygote). -Chromosome number: There are 46 chromosomes in the primary oocyte and 23 chromosomes in the secondary oocyte. A oocyte is the immature reproductive cell prior to fertilization. We get 23 chromosomes from the egg and 23 from the sperm, for a total of 46 at fertilization. - Sex cell: Each egg has an “X” chromosome. The female egg will only carry the “X” chromosome, so the sex of the Zygote is determined by the male sperm. The sperm will provide either an “X” (female) or “Y” (male) chromosomes. If the sperm has an “X” chromosome (the combination will create an “XX”), then the sex of the zygote will be female. If the sperm is a “Y” chromosome (the combination will create an “XY”) then the sex of the zygote would be…show more content…
The chromosomes get into a formation called a cleavage spindle, which is part of mitosis. Two set of chromosomes separate into opposite sides of the zygote and a crease begins down the middle, showing the cell will be divided in half. The zygote completes the first division into 2 cells within 24 hours after fertilization. After the first two cell divisions these two cells are called blastomeres . Cleavage occurs during the first 30 hours of cell division were the cell quickly divides. Two cells become four (at 40-50 hours), four become eight (at 60 hours), etc. By 72 hours or day 3-4, the cell is a solid ball resembling a marble and this is called a Morula. After this stage the cells are tightly packed (compaction) - the embryo size doesn't increase due to compaction at this time, it is still smaller than an eraser head. About day four, fluid enters the morula from the uterine cavity. The fluid filled spaces fuse to form a cavity and the morula is now called a blastocyst. When the fluid increases the cells separate into two areas; the outer layer Trophoblast and the inner cell mass

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