Essay On Veterinarian

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Veterinarians are the doctors that tend to the healthcare needs of animals such as: pets, livestock, zoo animals, and laboratory animals. Veterinarian is broken down even further into three categories that are vets, food animal vets, and equine veterinarian. Vets treat the pets, food animal vets treat the farm animals, and equine veterinarian treat the horses. Besides treating animals, some veterinarians specialize in food safety and inspection of the livestock and others do research studying human and animal health conditions (“---”). A veterinarian makes $42.68 per hour and $88,770 per year. In class, I took a test called the A/B personality test. As a result, I got A/B as my personality type. Type A/B is not necessarily its own personality type, but a combination of the A and B personality types. Instead of being described as the characteristics that fall under type A or type B, I have a combination of both. I like to make sure that work gets finished, but I would not want to deal with work when I am on vacation. Also, I sometimes put off work when I know it is not due tomorrow, but I do not coast in projects, and let others do all the work for me. Based on the careers for people with…show more content…
After I completed the test, it revealed that my three top personality traits are thinker, organizer, and helper. Thinkers are people that like challenges and is good at working with ideas as well as enjoys math and science. Organizers are good at organizing their environment like dealing with numbers and information as well as likes to keep things running smoothly. Finally, helpers are people that are idealistic, likes to make the world a better place and are good with dealing with others. Based on these results, I decided that veterinarian would be a good choice because I would be learning my knowledge of medicine and animal anatomy to help out animals that are hurt or not feeling

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