Essay On Trekking

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1. Which one is suitable for your health level- Easy/Moderate/Difficult? There are three types of treks- Easy, Moderate and Difficult. You have to decide which trek is uitavle for you. Let me be honest, very few people choose moderate or difficult as their first trek. Even if you are testing yourself, I would suggest you to take an easy one. The most important thing while choosing a trek is that you have to be realistic about your fitness level because while trekking you have to face steep high climbs. So, the best thing is to start slow with a flat and short hike. There is absolutely no need of overestimating your body by aiming to high. As a beginner, you have a range of beautiful and challenging treks in India. Choosing an easy trek will…show more content…
Wear comfortable clothes Make sure that you wear comfortable clothes while trekking that does not restrict your body movements. Wearing comfortable clothes just not only allow the free movements of your limbs but also don't restrict you from jumping or climbing. Wearing wrong clothes can make you highly uncomfortable and also increase the chances of the accidents. Make sure to wear clothes that you can easily remove while trekking. 8. Avoid trekking alone For all the newbie trekkers, it is an important piece of advice, do not trek all alone in a new place. If you are choosing a popular trek, then there are a great chances of meeting a lot of people on the way then you can trek alone. But if is not a popular trek then there won't be a lot of people on the trek so it's better to be with your friends or a guide. 9. Do enough research beforehand Before you choose any place for trekking, do am extensive research about the trek, place and the weather. You can gain information either by asking people who have already trekked there or through Internet. It is crucial to know what kind of weather will be there so that you can prepare accordingly. Are you an avid trekker? What do you think are the other tips for the first time

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