Essay On Tourism Industry

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Langhorn (2004) noted that in hospitality, the service provider is “part of the product itself”. For guests to be satisfied, they not only must believe that they have received a valuable service for their dollar, but also feel valued and respected by the workers providing the service (Kernbach & Schutte, 2005; Langhorn, 2004; Varca,2004; Winsted, 2000). World travel and tourism as one of the world’s largest industries, supporting 266 million jobs and generating 9 per cent of the World GDP. Each year the global travel and tourism industry generates several thousand billions U.S. dollars in revenue. According to UNWTO the number of International tourist arrivals worldwide exceeded the one billion mark for the first time in 2012 (appendix 1).…show more content…
In each of this sectors there are sub sectors. Travel’s industry are defined by the business of people moving from place to place. All of the transport are included in this sectors such as buses, train, planes, automobile, and cruise ship. The travel and tourism industry is one of the world’s largest industries with a global economic contribution (direct, indirect and induced) of almost seven trillion U.S. dollars in 2013. Lodging industry explained by Sandoval-Strausz (2003) “The primary purpose of hotels is to provide travelers with shelter, food, refreshment, and similar services and goods, offering on a commercial basis things that are customarily furnished within households but unavailable to people on a journey away from home.[...] The hotel as an institution, and hotels as an industry, transformed travel, hastened the settlement of the continent, and extended the influence of urban culture.” In fact the hotel industry can be divided in different category with the hotel, motel, lodge, hostel, camping and palace. Food service are composted of all the establishments where you can find food; such as Restaurant, fast food, take-away, shop,

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