Essay On Starvation In The Ghettos

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Starvation in the Ghettos Starvation during the Holocaust led many people to painful, everlasting days and eventually death. Not only was it the supply of food, but it was the type of food that bothered the prisoners the most. As a matter of fact, the limited amount of food took a toll on them mentally and physically to a point where some could not even walk. It is important to learn about starvation in the ghettos to understand how others suffered and so we don’t take what we have for granted. The amount of food provided in the Ghettos during the Holocaust was scarce. “Hunger was one of the greatest problems. The meagre rations were merely intended to keep the prisoners alive” (“Daily Life” 5). In the morning, they would get tea or coffee, and maybe some watery soup. The prisoners were only allowed four slices of potatoes in their soup. Some would place a screen over their bowl so when the soup was poured, the potatoes…show more content…
Once they started showing signs of instability, they would be forced away to chambers and cells to starve. While others that tried to escape, others would also have the punishment of being heaved into dark cells and being left alone without food or water. Both of these eventually lead to death. To conclude, thousands if not hundreds died during the Holocaust considering starvation. The amount of food these people were given daily not only affected them physically, but also mentally. For example, “...we didn’t think about anything else. Just food. Dreaming about food”, stated by one Holocaust survivor (Whipple 3 ). The physical part was even worse, they would have such a lack of calcium and vitamins that some couldn’t walk. They would be walking down the street and out of nowhere... fall. No one would stop to help them up; they were left to suffer and die. On the same hand, if they got caught stealing food, they would get a shovel to the

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