Essay On Soft Spoilage

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Microbiological and soft spoilage have great impact on the part of the producer and the consumer as well. Spoilage may cause discoloration, unusual smell and taste, soft spots on the fruit, and visible colonies of fungi and bacteria. These may result to a big loss on the producer and the business sales may drop because of the quality. On the other hand, consumers may also be a victim of the loss and they may get health problems if they consume these infected products. To prolong the shelf life of produce and avoid loss due to spoilage, certain measures need to be done. One of these is to apply coatings on surfaces of the produce to protect it from unwanted inhabitants. It may also be ideal to slow the rate of metabolism of the produce so that it will not rot…show more content…
Chlorine below 50 ppm may not be effective and if above 200 ppm may cause damage to the product and also cause health risk on workers. Other factories or farms substitute ozone, chlorine dioxide, and peroxyacetic acid instead of chlorine. Other techniques include thermal and non-thermal technologies. Thermal practices include hot water, hot steam, and hot sanitizing solution. Biosteam® introduced ThermoSafe which is an “effective” system to preserve produce. Thermosafe is the size of commercial dishwasher and it uses steam to sanitize products before peeling. However, using thermal preserving has also disadvantages. The thermal process can damage green fruits and vegetables and lessen their quality. Studies are still hopeful to find thermal procedures that may be very effective and does not damage the produce (Barth et al.). Non-thermal ways may be physical or chemical. Physical means include high pressure, irradiation, pulsed electric fields, pulsed white lights, ultrasound, and ultraviolet radiation. These steps are inapplicable because they are very costly (i.e. high pressure, pulsed fields), they are not approved

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