Essay On Poverty In Florida

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Poverty in Florida Florida’s poverty data for adults, teenager, and children shows that there has been an economic downturn. Florida ranks 34th in the country for poverty, the poverty rates increase every year from 2007-2013. Statewide, a little over three million Floridians, 17% of the population, lived under the federal poverty line in 2010. Median income fell in Florida during layoffs in construction and manufacturing sectors. This meant loss of good paying jobs and demand for manufactured goods. Families headed by women with no husband present are experiencing the fastest increase in poverty. Mother-only families are more likely to be poor because of the lower earning capacity of women, and lack of enforced child support from nonresidential fathers. 90% of single parent families are headed by females. Not surprisingly, but single…show more content…
A high percentage of children have become homeless in Florida. The homelessness of children has climbed from 30,878 in 2007 to 56,680 in 2011. The adversity of being poor has a huge effect on Florida’s economy and public school system. There are 10% of teens not attending school and unemployed. The graduation rate is somewhat high but the four year college degree isn’t. The graduation rate is 70.8% and the four year college degree is 26%. Unemployment is very high in Florida; it’s actually higher than the national average. Florida’s unemployment rate is 7.4%. The rate is so high because of the construction industry, Florida’s top job creator. With growth come a lot of buildings. The Great Recession struck shedding 350,000 jobs, which is more than half. After this analysis calculated that about four million or 20% Floridians were without health insurance, 1.4 million Floridians or 7.6 live in extreme poverty, and there were 37.3% of low income families still

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