Essay On Polish Immigration

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TO WHAT EXTEND POLISH IMMIGRATION TO THE U.S. HAS CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS ITS CULTURAL DIVERSITY. INTRO Polonia is the term used to describe people of Polish origin who live outside of Poland. It is a fairly diversified group of people who despite different countries of birth, citizenships and varied level of Polish language proficiency admit their Polish ancestry, are interested in Polish politics and culture, and maintain contact with their homeland. It is estimated that around 20 million people with Polish heritage live today outside of Poland. This makes the Polish diaspora one of the largest in the world. Polish immigrants live scattered all over Europe, in both Americas, as well as in some remote areas of Asia and Africa. The term "Fourth Partition" was used in the 19th and 20th centuries to refer to…show more content…
The economic emigration continued during the interwar period with another 2 million leaving Poland. The World War II brought about another major re-distribution of the Polish population. Many political émigrés and servicemen were afraid to return to Communist Poland and decided to settle in liberated countries and in the UK. A significant number of Polish displaced persons immigrated to the USA and Australia. Finally after World War II, Poland was shifted to the west permanently leaving outside of its territory a number of Poles residing in its former east provinces. In the period between 1945 (the end of the Second World War) and 2004 (joining European Union) immigration in Poland lost its mass character and it was mainly connected with repatriation of Polish citizens from the USSR, deportation of German nationals from the new Polish territories, loss of a considerable population of Jews due to growing hostility, a peak of political immigration during the Marshall Law following Solidarity

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