Essay On Is There Any Evidence That Inclusion Has An Effect On Attainments At Education Level

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1. Is there any evidence that inclusion has an effect on attainments at LEA level? 2. Is there any evidence that inclusion has an effect on attainments at school level? 3. Is there any evidence of differential effects of inclusion on the attainments of different pupil groups? 4. Is there any evidence that inclusion has impacts on achievements over and beyond the attainments that are captured in national assessments? 5. Where highly inclusive schools also produce high levels of attainment amongst their pupils, how do they manage this? The key findings were: There was no evidence of any relationship between inclusion and attainment at LEA Levels. An LEA’s policy in terms of the proportion of pupils educated in mainstream schools seems to have no bearing on overall…show more content…
If the correct direction is not given then the young person could feel stressed out. This skill helps in recognising the sources of life stress and directs an individual to choose a way that can control their heightened stress level. Education naturally provides students with some life skills that young people will need in the real world from time keeping, team working, leadership the list can go on however I often wonder do students get supported if they lack the basic skills such as time keeping, leadership, team working and other skills. I also wonder does a sanction change a student’s behaviour. I do believe in giving a sanctions if required however I do not believe that solely this changes a behaviour pattern that may be negative. Equally no matter the age of a person we all do things wrong or react the wrong way at times so each person and situation should be handled differently. What happens to the students who display bad behaviour? Do they get any chances for developing skills such as

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