Essay On Indian Humanism

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A part of Indian concept of humanism has grown with land because the life of common people in India is mostly based on agriculture. Hari has a strong humanistic bond with their landed property left by his father. He tries his level best to protect those lands. He feels a heart’s content to look at the crops yielded by those lands. The writer beautifully expressed the relation between Hari and his lands, “To Hari, it had always been a matter of prestige rather than money, of family pride; his was the sort of emotional involvement that could not be reduced to terms of profit and loss” (19; ch.3). When he wins the case of Piploda and owns the possession of it legally, he thanks the British judge for their dedication to honesty and not encouraging…show more content…
Gian’s grandmother, Aji fulfills those qualities of humanism in her struggle of life. She rebelled against humiliation of women in Indian society. Man is known not by his caste or birth but by his action or karma. Freedom is his birthright. Aji marries a boy of higher caste and is rejected by the Talwar family. She remains alone, humiliated inside the house. She is not permitted to enter into the family prayer room. One day, she finds that the cotton wicks she has prepared for the oil lamp in the prayer room are rejected sharply by her sister-in-law. She rebels against it. Her father-in-law orders them to leave the Big House because, “It was Brahmin Orthodoxy against a woman’s vanity; stone against stone. There was no room for compromise” (25; ch.4). Aji and her husband are not given their proper share. Aji and her husband are surprised to see the meanness in their own family. Aji performs her karma throughout her life relentlessly in bringing up and guiding her two grandsons after the death of their father and mother. She believes in selfless karma to be the only identity of man on this

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