Essay On Importance Of Water

722 Words3 Pages
Water plays an important role in regulating the temprature of the earth.Water is necessary to sustaining life on earth.Life on earth reqiures water.Water covers three fourth of the earths surface and constitutes 60% to 70% water of the living world.Water affects all facets of life.Without water there would be no vegetation on land and no oxygen for animals to breathe.Water is necessary because it keeps the human body and the environment health. Only 1% of the water is usable and drinkable,2% of water is frozen in glaciours and polar ice caps and 97% is salty sea water.This 1% supply of the water is precious commodity which is necessary for our survival.Water is more dense. The evolution of life would have been impossible,if ice was denser than water. Water changes its temprature it has a high specific heat which means it can absorb or lose heat.It takes alot of energy before vaporization can occur.Water is a remarkable solvent. Water was abundant on mars once.There are many rocks which are rounded and some of them could be conlomerates.There are places where soils appears to be crusts or hardpans,which are cemented by clays or precipitation of silica,iron oxides and sulfates.These all feature are evidence for former…show more content…
Only 1% of the water is usable and drinkable,2% of water is frozen in glaciours and polar ice caps and 97% is salty sea water.This 1% supply of the water is precious commodity which is necessary for our survival.Water is more dense. The evolution of life would have been impossible,if ice was denser than

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