Essay On Human Suffering

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Introduction Suffering is one of the realities and parts of our life. It seems that it is unavoidable. Whenever we hear the word suffering, a kind of negative feeling arises in our mind. Immediately we want to escape from suffering, because everyone wants to be happy rather than to suffer. Our experience of suffering in everyday life sometimes blocks and humiliates us and brings crises in order to live with a peaceful mind. Though suffering is undesirable for humanity, the search for meaning in suffering still continues. If we ask the question whether the reality or experience of suffering would be the same for all and in every situation then the response would be no, because suffering varies for each person and in different circumstances.…show more content…
In the Christian life, we do not suffer for nothing, for everything can find meaning when we incorporate it into Christ. In this secularized world, there is no idea or concern to search the cause for the particular problem especially for the problem of suffering because it transcends man himself and goes beyond his understanding. Only very few are ready to face difficulties and to find meaning in their suffering. Many do not bother about the sense of their life. In this situation how can we explain to them the meaning of life which they have received from God as a gift, in a special way when they face and endure sufferings? One thing we should remember is that when there is no sense of God, we cannot see the reality as it really is in this earthly life. The life of a human being is different from other animals, because the life we receive from God has dignity. God has given this dignity out of His love. But man has corrupted this dignity because of his sin, and yet God did not want mankind to lose his dignity forever. So God sent His Only Begotten Son, to save and to restore man’s dignity, by assuming our human nature. He endured all the sufferings of this world, and, ultimately, suffered and died on the Cross. Through His passion and death, He changed the negative concept of suffering. He redeemed man’s suffering by His suffering on the Cross. He offered redemptive meaning to our
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