Essay On Gift And Giving

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People’s views about gifts and giving definitely do differ, but my own views are that gift-giving is to be appreciated regardless of how big or small it is or its cost. I have had the experience of giving gifts to others that make myself and others feel superior. Gift receiving today by many Americans is being taken for granted, with many people being unappreciative. One of my own personal experiences that had shaped my personal views on this would have been back a few years ago when my dad had been told that he was in stage four kidney failure, this caused my family to struggle for the six to seven months that he was in the hospital before he came home. This caused my mom to be stressed out and frightened, including my brother and I being unaware what was going to happen to him, while spending as much time as we could with him. Now, two years later my dad has been back home being better that ever…show more content…
Also, being grateful for that moment to be remembered instead of a material gift that only lasts for a short time. My ideas are able to line up with a Zumski Finke point because he quotes that non-material gifts are more effective for creating memories for others, for example Finke’s states “Stories help us grow, learn empathy, and actually create change, if we’re willing to let them.” Zumski’s occasion to consider his five non-material gifts had emerged with it beginning on Christmas. The occasion for celebration of my proposed non-material gift would have been set for my birthday since it means more to me on a day. A non-material gift that I would ask for would be spending more time with my family. This gift would be meaningful to me because they are the most important people to me and my family and I would benefit from this because we would be able to spend more time doing what we wanted to do together with doing what we

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