Essay On Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is one of the most demanding health issues in reason to the high level of suffering and the deterioration of the quality of life as well as the high prevalence and the great expenses that it implies for social and health care. The high levels of both personal affliction and costs of this illness are influenced by psychological factors. Among these factors, we highlight depressive symptoms because they exacerbate the clinical profile of this type of patients and decrease their response to the treatment, which contributes to the chronicity of the illness. Therefore, the treatment of depressive symptomatology for these patients is one of the therapeutic targets included in their treatment guidelines that along with other treatment goals comprise the most recommended multicomponent (and multidisciplinary) treatments. In spite of the growing number of studies and evidence in favor of the efficacy of the psychological treatments for fibromyalgia, many issues need substantial further development. For example, current recommendations for the treatment of…show more content…
It will be compared with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is a well-established treatment in this area. Both interventions will be performed in individual format. Depressive symptoms, clinical variables and wellbeing variables will be assessed in conjunction to cognitive indices derived from the repertory grid technique such as cognitive conflicts, polarization and self-construction measures. Also, we plan assess the power of all these measures for predicting differential outcomes resulting from these two treatments. The relevance of these cognitive indicators for both depression and fibromyalgia has been verified by our research group in previous

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