Essay On Face Identification

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Faces have the most descriptive features that anyone remembers once meeting human beings. Looking at person`s face allows knowing whether you met him/her before. Face identification is the process of approving the identity of somebody while face recognition is the process of recognizing somebody from a set of others. Simply face identification answers the question “Is this John?” while recognition answers the question “Who is this person?” For either face identification or recognition, face detection process is required. Detecting an object requires some knowledge about the nature of this object. Face has some features that make it distinctive from other objects. One commonly used feature is the color of skin. Many researchers utilize skin…show more content…
4(c). The basic two operations are erosion and dilation. Erosion is used to cut off boundaries of objects of Dilation is the reverse of erosion. Other two operations based on dilation and erosion are opening and closing. Finally a combination of these morphological operations is used. Other effects such as regarding neck or shoulders as part of the face will be eliminated by applying the face feature detector. This detector will check components of face region such as nose and mouth, and any object does not contain these components will be eliminated. Depending only on skin color in face detection can result in false alarms because it does not differentiate between face skin and skin of shoulders, hands, legs, or other parts in human body. This is shown in Fig. 5. This problem can be solved by applying another detector for facial features discrimination. If the applied object already contains these features, so it will be classified as face, otherwise, it will be discarded. 63 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 3. Skin Color Detection. Original RGB image(a) , binary skin image (b) , and (c) detected face with bounding box over it. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 4. Skin Detection Example. Original RGB image (a) , detected skin (b), and skin after morphological operations
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