Essay On Epithelial Tissue

791 Words4 Pages
Epithelial – Epithelial tissue develops from ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The epithelial tissue covers the body surfaces and lines hollow organs, body cavities, ducts and forms glands. It consists of cell arranged in continuous sheets in either single or multiple layers and are attached to a basement membrane, whilst the top membrane surface may be exposed, for example on the exterior of the body. In the constructions of the epithelial tissue the cells are densely packed together and have little extracellular material between adjacent plasma. Epithelial tissue is avascular that is it lacks its own blood supply. This tissue receives its nutrients and rids it waste via blood vessels located in adjacent connective tissue. Whilst it is avascular…show more content…
It lines most of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, reproductive and urinary tracts. It performs absorption such as nutrients in the stomach. It has goblet cells that secrete mucus for example in the nose mucus traps particles. Non-ciliated simple columnar epithelial cells are seen in the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. These cells are often seen with a brush border, where the apical surface of their membrane is covered in minute actin-based projection called microvilli. Villi are seen on the inner surface of the small intestine, and the smaller projections from cells of the epithelium are called microvilli. Stratified squamous epithelium are tissues formed from multiple layers of cells resting on a basement membrane, with the superficial layers consisting of squamous cells. Underlying cell layers can be made of cuboidal or columnar cells as well. Cells at the apical surface are flat and protective. They are found in nearly every organ system where the body comes into close contact with the outside environment from the skin to the respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive

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