Essay On Digital Communication

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Introduction: Digital communication: between real and virtual life. Digital communication is designed to shorten distances and to connect people from different cities and countries, to help them stay in touch with their friends and above all with family. Unfortunately, the opposite situation can also occur. Have you ever thought about how much your self-esteem today depends on "likes"? A “like” is easy way to tell people that you like what they share on Facebook, with one click. Wherever you can add a comment on the content of your friends, you will also have the option to click on "Like" to tell your friends exactly this: "I like this". Social media have changed our lives. Unconsciously many small habits that we used to have, are now replaced by…show more content…
Unfortunately, the opposite situation can also occur. Have you ever thought about how much your self-esteem today depends on "likes"? A “like” is easy way to tell people that you like what they share on Facebook, with one click. Wherever you can add a comment on the content of your friends, you will also have the option to click on "Like" to tell your friends exactly this: "I like this". Social media have changed our lives. Unconsciously many small habits that we used to have, are now replaced by online practices that are now essential for the most of the people. As a result, we are always attached to a smartphone, a tablet or a computer: sometimes we tweet instead of talking, we update our status on Facebook and we analyze people through their profiles. Internet can help our creativity, removes communication barriers, but something is changed, something is completely lost. Social media are shaping the society and our individual life. The psychology of a like: How social media is really affecting our

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