Essay On Deceptive Advertising

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to pay my utmost gratitude to “Iqra University” for giving me the opportunity and provided the state of the art facilities to perform the research work on my studies in my desired area. My supervisor “Dr. M.A.K Chisty” has always been very encouraging and supportive throughout the conduct of this thesis and without whom the completion of this research would not have been possible. Last but the not the least, I would also like to extend my humble gratitude to all of the respondents of questionnaire, who have shown great passion and shared their valuable experiences in completion of this report. ABSTRACT The reason to conduct this research is to study the effect of deceptive advertising on consumer liking in FMCG products in Pakistan. We study about deceptive advertising occurs frequently within the FMCG industry. It has been question whether it is in the firm’s best interest to mislead the consumer or false claim in deceptive ads. Three variables, misleading customers, effect negative on product selection and develop poor perception about product quality were used to measure deceptiveness in FMCG products ads and its effect on consumer liking. 250 random respondents from different age groups and status were…show more content…
Deceptive publicity has been around since the beginning of time and is still very common today (Aaker, 1974). Any advertisement or marketing material considered deceptive is it’s mislead the customer or providing false information. The deceptive advertising can be divided into three forms which includes fake information or advertising which is completely lie, false or unrealistic claims and incomplete information in which hide information from customer or not telling customer about all the terms and conditions attached to a product (Boush,

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