Essay On Aging Population

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Have you ever imagined yourself living a life, filled with 2 million of elderly around you in the world? Or have you ever pictured yourself being old – being surrounded by 2 million peers on this planet? According to "Aging and Life Course" World Health Organization [1], 2 million of people will reach the age of 60 and older by 2050 globally. And it is now the issue, which varieties of countries are facing with – problems of the elderly or aging population. Spectacularly, China is a country has a forecast population will be doubled from 11% to 22% by 2030, also a country is now dealing with numerous problems of older people: life expectancy on the rise, decline in joint families and increasing job in the private sector; which this report will examine and propose the solutions given by the government, authorities and some personal reflections. <145> 2. BODY a. First problem: Aging population, life expectancy and the solution.…show more content…
Whereas the ubiquitous population, especially developed countries, is growing significantly, China has a lower birth rates and longer life expectancy due to the promulgation of one child policy since 1970s and better medical care and lifestyles. Worth mentioning, by the year 1960, 1990 and 2011, the average life span rises to 36.3, 68.3, 75.6, respectively [2]. This illustrates a remarkable improvement in the living standards in China. Even though, ‘one child policy’ is an effective measure to the issue of population growth, which the fertility rate in China reduced dramatically by 70% from 1950 to 2010 [3], there are gradual inevitable outcomes that the government and authorities have not been tackled yet: a noticeable growth on the top of the demographic. And this might influence the national economy and civilization with the trend of ‘slow and feeble’ [4] owing to the fact that China is already an aging society.

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