Essay About Fado

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Fado is a worldwide musical symbol of Portuguese culture and tradition. This genre which means ‘Fate’ in Latin is refers to the often harsh realities of everyday life, sometimes with a sense of resignation and also sometimes with the hope of resolution. Each region in Portugal usually has at least a musical style and fado. One of the earliest manifestations of fado was in a song depicting the forbidden love story between a gypsy woman by the name of Maria Severe, and Count de Vimioso, a man of nobility. Because of their broken love, Chris Da Rosa of Vanguard Squad state that Maria fighting her sadness by going to the night clubs and bars of Lisbon’s Barrio Alto while strumming along on her guitarra Portuguesa. What make Fado even more fascinating is the lyrics. The lyrics have poetic elements. The perfect combination of any Fado composition are the melody and lyrics. But sometimes the poetry are more likeable than the music. Therefore many songwriters tend to create new lyrics but still using the same tunes that already…show more content…
It is a dance performed by a group. The dance is performed with vigorous movements and stamping of the feet with rhythmically shouted accompaniment. Based on the history, before a battle, proclaiming their strength and powerss in order to intimidate the opposition, haka dance were performed by warriors. Haka are a fierce display of a tribe's pride, strength and unity. However, Hakas are not all war dances. Haka also are performed for numerous reasons and occasions. Usually performers in a haka use many body motions and expressions which may include bulging eyes, sticking out of the tongue, stomping feet, and slapping the body with their hands. Years before, most traditional Hakas are performed only by men where some included women in singing roles only. But nowadays all people use this dance just for

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