Essay About Batik

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The writer presents two parts of this first chapter. They are the background of the study and the research method. The background provides some information and reasons for this study. The research method section describes the methodology to conduct this study. A. Background One of the curricula implemented in Indonesia is the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or School-Based Curriculum. According to Peraturan Pemerintah No. 20 Tahun 2006, KTSP provides opportunities for schools to develop their own curriculum based on the basic competence and competence standards which have been formulated. In KTSP, listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught as four English language skills. Therefore, in learning English at school, students must learn the four language skills. Based on the basic competence and competence standards of KTSP, senior high school students are expected to achieve the informational level in English language learning. This statement means that the students learn and develop their language skill in order to access knowledge or information from text, book, newspaper, and other sources. The aim of English language learning for senior high school students is that students are able to develop their written and oral communication…show more content…
It is an important part of education. It is important to build human character. Theodore Roosevelt, a famous former American President, and ecologist, in Lickona’s book (2012) states “to educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”(2012:3).This statement means that educating people without building their character can be contra productive. People can be intelligent persons but some people may not understand how to use their potential in a right

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