Entrapment In Law Enforcement

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The intent of the chapter is to inform about the purpose and importance of entrapment. Entrapment is when law enforcement encourages that person has done a crime that the person would be doubtful to commit. Throughout time the meaning and events of entrapment has adjusted due to the transformation of law enforcement. It has a great impact on how entrapment is looked upon. Even though the meaning and understanding of entrapment has been constantly changing, the Supreme Court started to produce a rightful advancement on entrapment and recognizing it. In addition to understand entrapment more and how it relates to law enforcement they create undercover investigations. These investigations reach no conclusion about entrapment. There are many thoughts…show more content…
INFORMATION: WHAT DATA IS USED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION? The data that used to answer the questions were law enforcement events, Supreme Court cases, and past history. 4. INFERENCES: CONCLUSIONS OF THE AUTHOR, AUTHOR’S MAJOR POINTS? The author had many major points. First, he wanted his readers to recognize what entrapment is and how there is no official meaning or knowledge to it. Second, he explains how entrapment in Supreme Court has been yet to understand. Third, there are personal and neutral tactics towards entrapment. Finally, there are pros and cons on government supporting undercover investigation. 5. CONCEPTS: WHAT IS THE AUTHOR’S REASONING BASED OFF OF? WHAT DO WE NEED TO KNOW TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE AUTHOR IS SAYING? The author reasoning is based off past history events, supreme court cases, and law enforcement. The things we need to know to understand what the author is saying is to know about the Supreme Court and certain terms. Also be aware of law enforcement behavior with society. 6. ASSUMPTIONS: WHAT IS THE AUTHOR NOT ADDRESSING OR TAKING FOR…show more content…
He is not addressing how entrapment can be a positive thing. He is taking it for granted that entrapment has been a hard term to define. Also he is not addressing that some ways beside undercover investigation that can help understand entrapment. He took for granted that they were so many cases that were involved with entrapment. 7. IMPLICATIONS: WHAT HAPPENS IF WE ACCEPT THE AUTHOR’S POINT OF VIEW? WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DON’T? If we accept the authors’ point of view, we accept that entrapment defense originated from law enforcement event or operation. In addition we would accept that there is a personal and neutral tactic to entrapment. I we don’t accept the authors point of view that means that there is a certain definition to entrapment. Also that entrapment shows that the law enforcement is corrupted. Plus that the law enforcement doesn’t have much control in how to investigate or understand certain things happen in society. 8. POINT OF VIEW: WHAT IS OUR OPINION, BASED ON THE ABOVE

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